Overview, in numbers, of the situation of students with specific support of educational support
educational needs, disabilities, inclusionAbstract
This work aims to approach the latest available numbers about students with specific need for educational support in the Autonomous Galician Community and in the State. For this, a secondary data analysis is carried out, using the information source of the Statistics of non-university education. The classification variables taken as reference are: sex, students with specific educational support needs, ownership of the centers, and educational level. The data are used in a descriptive way, using tables of frequency distribution. The results show that many students with special educational needs present behavioral/personality disorders; the students with high capacities are integrated mainly in public primary schools; a higher number of pupils than of girls is incorporated late into the educational system, above all, in public centers; Learning Disorders is the specific educational need for more common educational support. Finally, it should be noted that all the cases considered are more men than women and a greater presence of students in public centers. It is also worth noting that the figures show an equal panorama in the State as a whole and in the Galician Autonomous Community.Downloads
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