University students learning strategies and academic performance
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Academic performance is influenced by multiple variables, including learning strategies. Learning strategies are conscious, intentional mechanisms used to process, encode and retrieve information with the intention of applying and transferring it to the achievement of a learning goal. The aim of this research was to analyse the impact that the use of learning strategies has on the academic performance of university students. The data for the study were collected using a non-experimental quantitative survey approach, based on a sample of 639 first-year students from the Faculty of Education at the University of La Laguna and the Faculty of Education Sciences at the University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria. The survey was conducted using an adapted version of the Questionnaire for the Evaluation of Learning Strategies of University Students (CEVEAPEU). Academic performance was assessed based on students’ average mark at the end of the first four-month period. The results revealed significant differences in academic performance based on students’ use of cognitive, metacognitive and resource-management learning strategies. The findings point to possible ways to educate and orient students with regard to learning skills and strategies as a determining factor in lowering drop-out rates and boosting academic performance.
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