Focus and Scope
Ethics and good practices
Open Access Policy
Copyright Notice
Publication frequency
Thematic areas
Section Policies
Publishing guidelines
Evaluation of manuscripts (peer review process)
Organizational structura, and functions of the Editorial Team
Acceptance statistics

Focus and Scope

Revista de Estudios e Investigación en Psicología y Educación is published in electronic format as a continuation of the Revista Galego-Portuguesa de Psicoloxia e Educación founded in 1997. The main objective of t his journal is to provide theoretical-conceptual, methodological and applied analysis, discussion and interchange on relevant issues at present and that are relate to the main thematic areas of the Psychology and Education. However, this is not a generalist journal. The original works and studies derived from authors' analyis and reflection who are considered potentially publishable be those that, from a psychological or educational angle, focus or impact on, directly or indirectly, in the field of formal, non- formal or informal education. Thus, Revista de Estudios e Investigación en Psicología y Educación will always be open to all those professionals in Psychology and Education who reflect on current and relevant psycho-educational issues, to all those who research and apply their knowledge and original contributions to the improvement and psychopedagogical innovation in all its extension. The Journal of Studies and Research in Psychology and Education will require all the international criteria that are currently followed both in the norms of sending and receiving originals, as well as for the process of evaluation and publication of the received works.


Ethics and good practices

Revista de Estudios e Investigación en Psicología y Educación (REIPE) is committed to publishing ethics and best practice, and is guided in all of its activities by the Core Practices and Principles of Transparency and Best Practice in Scholarly Publishing set out by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE), and by the guidelines provided in the COPE Flowcharts (

In addition, as the controller responsible for the data on its platform, the Revista de Estudios e Investigación en Psicología y Educación undertakes to comply with Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation), as well as Ley Orgánica 3/2018, de 5 de diciembre, de Protección de Datos Personales y garantía de los derechos digitales of Spain (where the journal is published).

As part of its policy of good publishing practice, the website of Revista de Estudios e Investigación en Psicología y Educación provides access to the following information: description of editorial and publication management roles, rules and guidelines for authors to ensure the quality and originality of all work published by the journal, manuscript review and editing criteria and procedures, and duplication detection procedures to guard against plagiarism.

This section sets out the code of ethics and good practice regulating all aspects of and persons involved in the editorial process at Revista de Estudios e Investigación en Psicología y Educación, including the editorial team, authors and reviewers.

Editorial Team

The decision to accept or reject a manuscript will be made at the sole discretion of the Editorial Team based on the quality of the work presented for publication. Manuscripts will be judged in strict accordance with the principles of IMPARTIALITY and intellectual freedom. The journal furthermore undertakes to protect the INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY rights of authors by means of anti-plagiarism measures, safeguards against the non-consensual publication of scientific work, and the publication of corrections and apologies as appropriate.

The Editorial Team undertakes to keep CONFIDENTIALITY all details of submitted manuscripts. The assessment and review process will be kept confidential through a double-blind peer review system. All communications by or between authors, reviewers, and members of the editorial team, advisory board or other committees (or future committees) will also be subject to the principle of confidentiality.


Reviewers will work in accordance with the same principles of impartiality and confidentiality. Their assessment will be based on the quality of the work presented for publication, taking into account both content (interest and relevance) and form (quality of writing and presentation). Reviewers will offer clear, objective, constructive comments and suggestions in their reports, in accordance with the review criteria and guidelines provided by the journal.

Material submitted for review will not be made public or used for any purpose other than the review process. The results of the review will be made known only to the author(s) and the editor responsible. All information obtained through the review process (internal and external) will be treated as confidential and not used for personal advantage

Reviewers will decline to accept a manuscript for review and notify the editor responsible if they believe their involvement may give rise to a conflict of interest.


Authors will be held responsible for the accuracy and originality of all content submitted for publication, and will refrain from all forms of plagiarism and self-plagiarism.
      Authors are advised to review the plagiarism definition, examples and exceptions on the APA Style website (APA Style >> Plagiarism).

For empirical research papers, authors will also be responsible for ensuring that the ethical standards for research involving human beings are met.
      For more information, authors are advised to read:
      Ethical Principles of Psychologists and Code of Conduct (American Psychological Association) >> Section 8: Research and Publication.
      WMA Declaration of Helsinki - Ethical Principles for Medical Research Involving Human Subjects.

Manuscripts describing funded studies must include credit acknowledgement and have permission to publish from the institution that has funded the research. The data shall be included in the metadata of the submission (under " Supporting agencies") with their name and code, if available.

Any significant errors detected by the author(s) after publishing, should be notified to the Chief Editor immediately, so that the necessary corrections may be made.


Open Access Policy

This journal provides open access to its content, based on the principle that, by offering the public free access to research, it promotes global exchange of knowledge.

Revista de Estudios e Investigación en Psicología y Educación does not charge authors any fee or quota for submitting papers or for publishing articles (APCs). It also does not charge readers for accessing published articles.

The papers published in this journal are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

Creative Commons License


Copyright Notice

Authors are the holders of the exploitation rights (copyright) of their work, but grant the right of first publication to the Revista de Estudios e Investigación en Psicología y Educación, which may publish in any language and format as well as publish and distribute their whole or partial content by any technologically available means and via data base.

Authors are allowed and encouraged to disseminate the articles accepted for publication on personal or institutional websites, before and after their publication, provided it is clearly stated that the work is in this journal and all bibliographic data are provided along with access to the document, preferably through the DOI (if it is indispensable to use a pdf, the final version formatted by the journal should be used). In the case of articles resulting from funded studies or projects, this will be done within the deadlines and terms established by the supporting organisation(s) of the published research.



This magazine uses the LOCKSS system to create a distributed storage system among the participating libraries, and allows the creation of permanent archives in the journal for conservation and restoration purposes.

It also has the complete archive of all publications in DOAJ, REDIB and, from 2021, in the repository of the University of A Coruña RUC.


Publication frequency

The periodicity of this journal is semi-annual. Its two annual numbers are published in July and December.

Accepted articles are being programmed for publication in the magazine number with the earliest possible date. The order followed is that of acceptance.



The journal publishes original works in Spanish, Portuguese, and English.

Articles and reviews written in Spanish or Portuguese also include the title, abstract, and key words in English. Articles written in English additionally include these sections in Spanish or Portuguese.


Thematic areas

1. Addictions and problem behaviors 6. Family, school and community 11. Models and practices of evaluation
2. Learning, memory and motivation 7. Training of teachers and educational agents 12. Special educational needs
3. Conflicts and school mediation 8. Training and transition for the world of work 13. Policies and reforms of higher education
4. Vocational development and career 9. Interculturality, social inclusion and education 14. Educational technologies and communication
5. Education, development and artistic processes 10. Language, communication and its alterations 15. Transitions and development throughout life


Section Policies


This is the main section of the Journal, in which original investigations and studies will be published. The papers will tend to have a maximum of 6500 and a minimum of 2500 words, and must be prepared and submitted using the journal's article template, available in the Article guidelines section of the "Authors' Area" tab. The document you submit must strictly follow the instructions in the template.

The following types of work are allowed in this section:

  • Empirical studies, quantitative or qualitative: Studies that present original research (including secondary analyses and case studies). They should be organized in the following structure: Introduction, Method (participants, instruments, and procedure), Results, and Discussion.
  • Leterature reviews: Systematic literature review and Meta-analyses: Studies aiming at a critical review of results published in a wide range of several sources. For meta-analysis, quantitative procedures for the statistical analysis of these results are also conducted.
    Such studies should present the following structure: Introduction, Method, Results, and Discussion.
  •  Theoretical articles: Critical reviews of published materials aiming to present the "state of the art" of a particular theme. These papers usually evaluate the internal consistency and external validity of a theory.
Cheked Open submissions Cheked Indexed Cheked Peer reviewed


The objective of the reviews is that those who do not know the material can have a sufficiently clear and complete idea of it. These papers consist of a summary and commented evaluation of books, doctoral theses, audiovisual materials, or published computer applications (in paper or in the Internet) in the last two years. These papers will have 900 to 1500 words and their submission must be made based on the template for reviews of this journal, available in the de Reviews guidelines section of the "Authors' Area" tab, following the presented instructions.

Cheked Open submissions Cheked Indexed Cheked Peer reviewed


Publishing guidelines

Papers submitted for possible inclusion in Revista de Estudios e Investigación en Psicología y Educación have not been published previously and are not under consideration for publication elsewhere.

Revista de Estudios e Investigación en Psicología y Educación is a member of Crossref Similarity Check and uses iThenticate software to detect the different forms of plagiarism and thus guarantee the originality of the manuscripts that it publishes.

All the originals that are submitted to the journal will be prepared with the journal’s template, according to the section to which the manuscript is submitted, and following the journal’s instructions. Manuscripts should be submitted in "docx" format. Previously, the author’s identification should be eliminated from the document’s information or identification properties.

Publication guidelines for articles HERE   ||  Publication guidelines for reviews HERE



ProposalsProposals for papers to be published will be developed according to the template of the journal (according to the section for which they are to be proposed), and following the Norms of publication. They must be forwarded through this platform (OJS) by clicking on the word "SUBMISSIONS” in the top menu of this page and following the instructions that will appear. Later, the authors will be able to know at any time the status of their manuscript by logging in with the user and password with which they are registered.

It is very important that the names, e-mail addresses and ORCIDs of all signatories to the manuscript be included in the submission form when submitting the proposal. In addition, in the case of works that have received funding, the supporting organisation(s) and, where appropriate, the project codes of the projects in the framework of which the research that has given rise to the manuscript has been carried out must be indicated.

During the submission process authors can suggest two possible reviewers who are not part of the journal's Editorial Team (in "Remarks to the editor" and including full name, affiliation and e-mail), provided that they did not participate in any way in the development of the work, they did not previously read it, and they do not maintain a relationship with the authors that might compromise the review.

Revista de Estudios e Investigación en Psicología y Educación will acknowledge receipt of all articles, but neither the receipt nor confirmation imply acceptance of the work for publication.

Within the next 30 days* an analysis of coincidences and similarities with the iThenticate tool will be carried out first. In case of detecting a total or partial copy of a work already published by the same or different authors of the manuscript, the omission of the source, or the use of third-party content without authorization, the submission will be rejected. Second, the assessment of the subject and structure of the paper will be carried out. If the subject does not match the journal, the process will be interrupted and the contact person will be informed about the non-acceptance. If structural or formal amendments were necessary, the author responsible for the work will be communicated and will have 15 days to send the proposal back. For the review of the more formal aspects of the manuscripts, the Internal Review Protocol will be used as a guide (which may also be used for the final review of the paper before acceptance).

Proposals that pass the previous phase will be sent to at least two expert reviewers, from outside the journal's publisher, through the double-blind method, who will have between one and two months* to issue their report following the External Review Protocol. The recommendations of the evaluators will be sent to all authors, who, according to the overall recommendation, will have the following terms to make the indicated modifications and submit the article again:
- Publish without modification or with minor formal modifications: 15 days.
- Publish with modifications: 6-8 weeks.
- Modify and submit again for evaluation: 2-3 months.
- Do not publish: the paper cannot be sent to the Journal again.

The rights of papers accepted for publication are subject to the Copyright policy of the journal.

The authors will be informed of the expected date for the publication of their work and will receive an alert when it becomes effective.

At the end of each year, the list of reviewers who have collaborated with journal will be made public and they will receive the corresponding certificate.

* Except in August, from the 24th of December to the 6th of January and Easter.


Evaluation of manuscripts (peer review process)

The Journal of Studies and Research in Psychology and Education will acknowledge receipt of all articles, but neither the receipt nor confirmation imply acceptance of the work for publication.

The assessment process consists of two parts:

  1. Internal review.
    Firstly, the Editorial Board of the Journal of Studies in Psychology and Education will check whether the work fits the topic of the journal listed on its website. Secondly, an analysis of coincidences and similarities with the iThenticate tool will be carried out. In case of detecting a total or partial copy of a work already published by the same or different authors of the manuscript, the omission of the source, or the use of third-party content without authorization, the submission will be rejected. Thirdly, if the result of this analysis is positive, it will be checked that the structure follows the IMRyD format and that the formal aspects of the presentation conform to the requirements of the publication guidelines, guided by the Internal Review Protocol.
  2. External review.
    If the first phase leads to a positive evaluation, we will move to the second, in which the work will be sent to expert reviewers at the topic in question, from outside the journal's publisher. The double-blind method will be used, so that neither the reviewers know the authors name or vice-versa .
    Reviewers will issue a report according to the External Review Protocol to be summed up in one of the following recommendations:
    - Publish without modification or with minor formal modifications
    - Publish with modifications
    - Modify and submit again for evaluation
    - Do not publish

The result of the assessment, and the recommendations of the reviewers will be forwarded to the author of the paper, who will have a period to carry them out, according to what is described in "Procedure".


Organizational structure, and functions of the Editorial Team

Technical Direction Manage the journal and legally represent it.
Manage platforms and IT resources.
Manage the journal’s indexing and inclusion in databases and repositories.
Propose strategies to increase the journal’s impact.
Coordinate the personnel assigned to the journal.
Control the editing and layout of the numbers, as well as the editorial process.
Scientific Direction To represent the journal, publicize it and make it known by different means.
Establish strategies to improve the journal’s positioning.
Approve the final layout of the journal’s numbers before publication.
Associate Directors Advise and support the directors and replace them in case of absence.
Study and propose improvements for the journal.
Supervise the process of reviewing the received manuscripts, indicating reviewers, transmitting to authors suggestions for modification, and accepting, or not, the works for their publication.
Secretary of Redaction Review in the first instance the received manuscripts and apply anti-plagiarism tools.
Evaluate the thematic adequacy and the general structure of the manuscripts and propose to the directors the continuation or not of their revision.
Editorial Committee Ensure compliance with the journal’s goals, its editorial policy, and publication standards.
Control the formal aspects of the journal, establishing protocols that guarantee the fulfillment of the publciation norms.
Perform the received manuscripts’ internal review and issue the corresponding report.
Propose external reviewers for the works that have reached a favorable internal review.
Supervise the journal’s layout and proofs.
Prepare proposals for the journal’s improvement.
Editorial Board-Advisory Guarantee the scientific quality of the journal and advise the Direction and the Technical Committee on the received questions.
Actively contribute to the search for articles.
In parallel to other reviewers, anonymously and using the double-blind peer review system, review and approve or reject, by means of a justified report that includes, if necessary, improvement proposals, the manuscripts that have passed the internal review.
Translation Department Translate the public information of the journal, the standards, and the forms to English.
Review the English translation of the titles and abstracts of the works accepted for publication in Spanish or Portuguese.
External reviewers Anonymously review the works that have passed the internal review of the journal, through the peer-review double-blind system.
Issue a reasoned opinion on the relevance or otherwise of the publication of the revised work and make any recommendations that are considered relevant for the manuscript’s improvement.


Acceptance statistics

Year Acceptance rate Average days to acceptance Average days for publication Registered users Registered readers
2023 44 % 122 156 1831 1309
2022 57 % 113 167 1687 1209
2021 40 % 134 146 1637 1179
2020 49 % 125 125 1519 1090
2019 57 % 90 113 1437 1035
2018 44 % 100 119 1388 1003
2017 61 % 108 143 1248 885
2016 50 % 81 169 758 490
2015 58 % 95 103 648 430
2014 60 % 78 127 148 63

For information on access statistics, see HERE.











Campus de Elviña, Edificio Xoana Capdevielle.
15008 A Coruña - España

Tel. (+34) 88 101 5680 / 5685 / 5686 | E-mail: | Web:
