External Review Protocol

External review is conducted anonymously by experts in the field of the manuscript.
Reviewers may answer Yes, No, Partly or Not applicable to the statements provided. Where the answer to a question is No or Partly, reviewers should explain the issues identified in the Comments section at the end of the form.

1.1. The title identifies the topic and variables of the study, and the relationship between them.
1.2. The title is clear and easy to understand.

2.1. The abstract is clear and easy to understand.
2.2. The aim or hypothesis of the study is described clearly.
2.3. The methodology of the study (participants, instruments, procedure) is described clearly.
2.4. The results are described clearly.
2.5. The conclusions are described clearly.
2.6. The abstract is self-contained.

3.1. The introduction sets out the main research question, together with its theoretical or practical implications.
3.2. The introduction explains the background to the topic and the state of the art.
3.3. The introduction includes relevant, up-to-date references.
3.4. The introduction states the reason for and purpose of the study.

4.1. The method section reports the participant characteristics relevant to the analysis of the results.
4.2. It explains how each variable was measured.
4.3. It describes how the data were collected.
4.4. The information provided in this section is sufficient to allow replication of the study.

5.1. The choice of statistical procedures to analyze the data is appropriate.
5.2. The data analysis matches the aims of the study.
5.3. The results reported are relevant and match the aims and/or hypothesis of the study.
5.4. The tables are appropriate (self-explanatory, simple, do not duplicate the text).
5.5. The figures are appropriate (self-explanatory, simple, do not duplicate the text, best option for the type of data presented).
5.6. The section is complete and satisfactory.

6.1. The discussion is based on the results.
6.2. The results are discussed in relation to the aims of the study.
6.3. The results are discussed in relation to the literature cited in the introduction.
6.4. Possible limitations or biases are identified.
6.5. Avenues for future research or possible applications are identified.

7.1. The study is relevant to the field of research.
7.2. The study contributes to future research.
7.3. The study has practical applications.

COMMENTS (use as much space as necessary).
Where the answer to a question is No or Partly, reviewers should use this section to explain the issues identified. Alternatively, reviewers may upload a file with their notes and comments on the manuscripts (or both).

RECOMENDATION (choose one)

  • Accept submission
  • Revisions required
  • Resubmit for review
  • Resubmit elsewhere
  • Decline submission
  • See comments