Instrument to identify the perception of university students about emotions that disturb them
emotions, emotional competences, emotional education, evaluation instruments, higher educationAbstract
The human being experiences emotions from birth to death that determine the self-perception of the world around him, allowing personal and social relationships to be established. The current globalized world has generated an increase in highly competitive individualism, where emotions and feelings are denied elements, which produces an emotional illiteracy and the inability to express feelings and emotions. The objective of this study is to identify the emotional perception of 816 university students taking degrees in Education Sciences and Computer Engineering from the University of A Coruña (Spain), through a questionnaire prepared ad hoc (Emotional Perception). The results show that the recognition of the emotions of envy and jealousy stands at a higher level of recognition, followed by the identification of emotions in others, shame / guilt, self-recognition of emotions, followed by joy, fear, anger, anger / anger and sadness. The data provided by this research allow opening doors to other fields related to personal, academic and professional emotional competences, contributing to the full integration of university students in the teaching-learning process.Downloads
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