Internal Review Protocol
The internal review protocol are designed to assess the manuscript’s compliance with the journal’s publishing guidelines. Reviewers may answer Yes, No, Partly or Not applicable to the statements provided. Where the answer to a question is No or Partly, reviewers should explain the issues identified in the Comments section at the end of the form.
1.1. The manuscript follows the article template provided by the journal in its publishing guidelines.
1.2. The manuscript meets the word limit provided (2500-6500 words).
1.3. The text is set in the same font and double spaced (except tables), with no additional line spacing between paragraphs.
1.4. The text follows the style and system of heading levels outlined in the instructions.
2.1. The manuscript has multiple authors.
2.2. The manuscript has five authors or less.
2.3. The manuscript includes the full name of each of the authors (no academic titles or positions), followed by an accurate, up-to-date ORCID.
2.4. The names and surnames of all of the authors coincide exactly with those registered on
2.5. The manuscript includes the institutional affiliation of each of the authors (max. three levels of hierarchy, e.g. department, faculty, university), together with the URL of the relevant faculty, school or institute.
2.6. The manuscript includes a contact author and email
3.1. The title is concise (max. 15 words).
3.2. The title is grammatically correct.
3.3. The title does not use abbreviations.
3.4. The title does not use jargon.
4.1. The abstract meets the required word limit (150-250 words)
4.2. The abstract follows the IMR&D format
4.3. The second-language version (Spanish or Portuguese) matches the version in English.
4.4. The abstract contains text only (no tables or figures).
4.5. The abstract does not cite references.
4.6. The abstract does not include specific values or data (e.g. r, F, p, etc.)
4.7. The abstract avoids abbreviations and jargon
5.1. The keywords section contains 3-5 concepts.
5.2. The keywords are based on terms from the APA (PsycINFO) and ERIC thesauruses.
5.3. The second-language (Spanish or Portuguese) version matches the version in English.
6.1. The word “Introduction” is not used as a heading.
6.2. References are cited appropriately (in accordance with APA 7th edition and as outlined in the publication guidelines).
6.3. The introduction contains at least 20 different references.
7.1. The Method contains separate sections regarding Participants, Instruments and Procedure.
7.2. The Method specifies the number of participants and provides details regarding eligibility and/or exclusion criteria.
7.3. The Method outlines the characteristics of the group (minimum: distribution by sex/gender; age range, including M and SD).
7.4. The Method includes details regarding sampling techniques used (size of population, estimated and actual sample size, sampling error).
7.5. The instruments used are described in separate subsections, and include the full name of the instrument and the variables measured by it.
7.6. Instruments not created by the author(s) are cited correctly, state the version used, and indicate their psychometric or technical properties. (Data obtained from the research regarding reliability, validity, etc. should be reported in the Results section.)
7.7. The data collection procedure is described (e.g. how the variables have been observed or manipulated).
7.8. The Method provides a summary of how the data were analyzed.
7.9. Compliance with ethical standards is stated explicitly.
8.1. Data are reported without discussion and interpretation.
8.2. Decimal places are marked with a point and the decimal point is not preceded by a zero in numbers which cannot be greater than 1 (e.g. correlations, alpha coefficient, p values).
8.3. Statistical data are reported in accordance with international standards of format and content (e.g. statistical values, degrees of freedom, p values, etc.).
8.4. Tables and figures comply with the formatting guidelines provided in the Article guidelines (APA 7th ed.).
8.5. The manuscript contains a combined total of six tables and figures (or less).
9.1. The authors cited are mentioned in the introduction.
9.2. The discussion does not repeat data previously reported in the Results section.
10.1. 10.1. Sources are listed according to the publishing guidelines stipulated by the journal: APA 7th ed. + full names of all authors, surnames written in uppercase, and authors separated by a semicolon.
10.2. Citations for articles include a DOI or stable URL
10.3. Direct links to PDFs are avoided.
10.4. All of the links provided are valid and link to the source cited.
10.5. All of the works cited in the manuscript, and only the works cited in the manuscript, are listed in the References section.
RECOMENDATION (choose one)
- Accept with no revisions
- Minor revisions required
- Major revisions required
- Reject: manuscript does not meet the minimum requirements of format and structure
- Reject: manuscript does not match the scope of the journal
COMMENTS (use as much space as necessary).
Where the answer to a question is No or Partly, reviewers may use this section to explain the issues identified and/or upload a file with their notes and comments on the manuscript.