Planning and working memory as predictors of academic performance in adolescents aged 12-17 years
executive functions, working memory, academic performance, adolescents, planning, self-reportingAbstract
The primary aim of this work was to analyze the predictive value of executive functions in relation to changes in academic performance among secondary school adolescents based on self- and parental assessment. The study consisted of a quantitative non-experimental, descriptive-correlational investigation of 265 adolescents aged 12-17 years. Students assessed their own executive functions using the Self-Report Executive Functioning Scale, while their parents/guardians assessed them using the Parental Executive Function Scale. Socioeconomic status was obtained with the Socioeconomic Level Survey, and academic performance was obtained from the report cards. The results showed a positive correlation between academic performance and executive functions, as perceived by both adolescents and parents; as well as between academic performance and socioeconomic status. Furthermore, academic performance was significantly explained by socioeconomic status and activities related to working memory and planning, as perceived by both adolescents and parents. Based on these findings, the study concludes that adolescents are capable of reflecting on the effectiveness of their executive functions in a way that is relevant to their academic performance, and that caregivers can provide relevant information about their children’s executive functions. Additionally, the findings highlight the importance of socioeconomic status when examining the relationship between executive functions and academic performance.
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