Predicting ASD risk through adaptive behavioural indicators
adaptive behavior, ASD, decision tree, GARS-2, ICAPAbstract
Adaptive behavior refers to the effectiveness with which a person responds to the natural and social demands of their environment. It includes the learned conceptual, social and practical skills that enable a person to respond to everyday circumstances, and is one of the most important criteria used to determine a person’s level of disability. The aim of this study is to analyze the ability to predict the risk of ASD (Autism Spectrum Disorder) using GARS-2 and ICAP indicators of adaptive behavior. The study involved a sample of 209 people from Galicia (Spain). One group (n = 111) comprised subjects with a prior diagnosis of ASD (37 females and 74 males) aged 2-20 years. The second group (n=98) consisted of normotypical subjects (56 females and 42 males) aged 3-23 years. The two instruments showed significant correlations, while non-parametric analyses of variance showed age-related differences in the dimensions and skills assessed. A tree analysis allowed 75.1% of the cases to be correctly classified. 74.8% of participants with ASD were correctly identified by the analysis, as were 75.5% of the normotypical sample. The predictive variables revealed by the analysis were ICAP Social and Communication Skills and GARS-2 Communication Dimension. The findings confirm that adaptive behavior is a good risk predictor for ASD, which may contribute to early identification.
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- Universidade da Coruña, Servizo de Publicacións
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