Family resilience in the context of the Walking in Family program




child protection, family resilience, family reunification, intervention programs, residential care


Family reunification is a complex process that begins with the residential care of the child and/or young person in an institution and includes the period after their return home, and can contribute for the success of protection measures. The present study aimed to analyse the dynamics that generate processes of resilience in families after the implementation of the “Walking in Family Program”, which intends to give support to family reunification through the promotion of parenting skills during institutionalization. A qualitative, descriptive and retrospective case study was developed. The non-probabilistic sample consisted of 4 families, 5 parents and 6 children/young people who left foster care in 2019 and were able to reunify. The participation of families in the program confirmed the strengthening of resilience processes in the relational system of parents and children triggered by the understanding, training and empowerment raised in the different stages of the protection measure. The conceptual association of two theoretical models of family resilience of the authors Froma Walsh and Lietz and Strength, enabled us to identify different individual and family strengths and resources in crisis management and specific responses to the needs of families at different stages since the children’s entry in residential care to their returning home. The results reinforce the importance of socio-educational programs that reinforce and encourage dimensions that promote healthy aspects that build resilience in families. These elements could guide interventions for safe and stable family reunification.


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How to Cite

Miranda, G. E., Tomás de Almeida, A. ., & Mattar Yunes, M. Ângela. (2022). Family resilience in the context of the Walking in Family program. Revista De Estudios E Investigación En Psicología Y Educación, 9, 132–145.



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