Contenido principal del artículo

  • Petronia Moraru
  • Gabriela Marchitan
  • Petrică Moraru
  • Carmen Hîrnea
  • Maria Ungureanu
Petronia Moraru
Gabriela Marchitan
Petrică Moraru
Carmen Hîrnea
Maria Ungureanu
Vol. Extr., núm. 13 (2017) - XIV CIG-PP, XIV Congreso Psicopedagogía. Área 13: TECNOLOGÍAS Y COMUNICACIÓN EDUCATIVA, Páginas 325-331
Recibido: sept. 15, 2017 Aceptado: dic. 14, 2017 Publicado: dic. 17, 2017
Cómo citar


The current dynamics of society is relevant also for the educational systems. The integration of mobile devices in education, as a bridge between inside and outside educational activities, is not fully exploited.  This paper will present a brief study regarding the mobile devices and ICT in Romanian educational system, and an analysis about teachers' skills and disponibility, to move to the next step of mobile-integrated educational system, the gap between the potential of the method BYOD/the schools' mobile devices, the practice of teaching using them, and the needs of students for their skills development, regarding of long life learning.


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