Some factors impacting the teachers’ assessment practices




summative assessment, formative assessment, assessment practices, teacher


The assessment and the role it should be assumed by the summative and formative component are often a reason for discussion. It is therefore important to understand how the teacher assessment practices are characterized and what influences them. That is, identify aspects taken into account when planning assessment; the (dis)continuities between assessment and learning; the divergences/consonances between assessment planned and implemented. The conclusions reached point to a strong influence of peers, to the assessment criteria of the school and to the students’ characteristics, in a scenario where the test is the dominant element in assessment.


Não há dados estatísticos.


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Como Citar

Rocha, H. (2017). Some factors impacting the teachers’ assessment practices. Revista De Estudios E Investigación En Psicología Y Educación, (10), 030–035.



XIV Congreso Psicopedagogia. Área 10: MODELOS E PRÁTICAS DE AVALIAÇÃO