Differences in career adaptability at two stages of secondary education
career adaptability, secondary education, transitions, differences by gender, longitudinal studyAbstract
The growing complexity of the labour market has created new challenges for Portuguese secondary school students, especially at critical moments such as the transition from secondary education to higher education and/or professional life. Career adaptability has emerged as a resource for managing this transition, especially with regard to the confidence with which students approach tasks related to their academic and professional development. The effect of students’ experience of secondary education on their future careers is still an under-researched area. This study uses a short longitudinal design to assess the differences in terms of career adaptability among 490 students with an average age of 17.3 years (SD = .98), according to sex and grade of schooling. The analysis compares average scores in the career adaptability dimensions of the Career Adapt-Abilities Scale using a three-way MANOVA with repeated measures on one factor. The results show significant differences in certain dimensions of career adaptability depending on the contexts studied. The article concludes with a discussion of the limitations of the study and possible vocational transition support measures for students nearing the end of their secondary education.
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- Universidade da Coruña, Servizo de Publicacións
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