Predictors of happiness and academic performance in a multicultural sample of adolescents
emotions, emotional states, anxiety, happiness, academic achievement, multicultural contextAbstract
This work had as main objective to analyze the predictors of Happiness and Academic Achievement, according to age, gender, culture and socioeconomic and cultural, as well as the relationships that could be given between all the variables, for a multicultural adolescent sample. To make it possible we focused on 811 participants from six educational centers; 71.6% of the total were Muslims and 28.4% belonged to the Christian religion, 46.1% were male and 53.9% female. The techniques used in this survey were a Happiness questionnaire, as well as the students' grades. The results reflect that the predictors of Happiness are all the sociodemographic variables: They are age, culture, socioeconomic and cultural and gender. Academic Achievement predictors' are the sociodemographic factors of status, culture and age. We found statistically significant relationship between Happiness and Academic Achievement. This relationship is directly proportional.Downloads
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