Musicotherapy as a tool to improve communication in functional diversity people


  • Beatriz López Asociación DISMACOR
  • Berta Fraga



musicotherapy, communication, functional diversity, development


Musical sensibility is an innate characteristic that involves numerous cerebral regions in the musical stimuluses perception and emotions development. In addition music is conciliatory in all its aspects: include all the senses, combine body and mind, and join the person with his surroundings. For this reason music is a good instrument to provide a rich environment and controlled in stimuluses, attaching a sensory experience that improves the emotional development, psychic, physiological and social balanced. In the case of the people with functional diversity helps to strengthen his potentiality and replaces the possible lacks employing motivates instrument, creating a secure and confidente environment where people get a complete and full development. The main aim of DISMACOR Association is educate people with functional diversity in the world where they live and where they have to be adapted. Knowing that their inclusion and their development like autonomous and independent people Will depend on their habilities anda facilities which society provides to them. In this research we select a children sample with intellectual functional diversity that presents lacks in social relation and communication, areas where the Musicoterapy results specially usefull. Some objective in this research are: Improve the social relations,  compensate incomunicación problems, develop psichomotor faculties, self-esteem, the creativity...  We elaborate a questionnaire ad hoc about satisfaction of the families participants  like indicator in their evaluation, it have 18 questions.  The questionnaire is delivered to the family/care provider when they finalice the programme. In addition we employ the Musical History and a observation register (musical, social, communicative, affective, cognitive and motor). We employ a grupal intervention programme and the main aim is to  support needs, to finalice whith a sample final evaluation. This programme improve the quality of life in this sample providing supports that allow them boost his communicative skills, social... In an environment propitious for normalization and self-determined behaviours. The results show that this interventions improve communication and general development of this people with functional diversity. We can conclude saying that this methodology facilitate a functional learning fast and significative in some surroundings less organised and more motivate.


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Author Biography

Beatriz López, Asociación DISMACOR

Dra en Psicología y Diplomada en Logopedia

Responsable de programas.

Asociación DISMACOR

Culleredo- A Coruña


Miembro del grupo de investigación en Psicología del Desarrollo y Aprendizaje Escolar



How to Cite

López, B., & Fraga, B. (2015). Musicotherapy as a tool to improve communication in functional diversity people. Revista De Estudios E Investigación En Psicología Y Educación, (11), 012–014.



XIII Congreso Internacional G-P de Psicopedagogía. Área 11: NECESIDADES EDUCATIVAS ESPECIALES