Autobiography as an introspective and visual methodology in Art Education Research
Art-Based Research, teaching training, art education, autobiography, domestic photographic archiveAbstract
This Art-based Educational Research work pretends to show the methodological possibilities of the autobiography in the Art Education field. A reflection is generated through a personal introspection, using artistic methodologies with research tools such as photographs from family albums, domestic videos or the own diary. From this personal reflection, artistic research strategies are extrapolated to use them in the classroom. Research tools such as photography and video are the starting point of the teachers’ personal reflection, they objectify their search, these research tools also document the research process and they are even the way of sharing it with the students through decolonial strategies which promote empathy. Including the live stories of teachers and students and making them the backbone of planning, developing and reflection of the artistic actions allows for undertaking a journey from the most individual and intimate to the common and collective; a journey which strengthens ties and allows an organic evolution of the research process.
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