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Verónica Crespo Pereira
University of A Coruna
Vol. 01 No. 012 (2014), Articles (open section), pages 69-85
Submitted: Nov 30, 2018 Accepted: Nov 30, 2018
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Although Youtube started as an instrument of "social media" with the passage of time has evolved into a marketing tool, also called "social media marketing " .This Master thesis takes as its object of study the use of Youtube as a tourism marketing tool in Galicia from the point of view of tourism organizations, companies and consumers. In order to determine the purpose of the videos for each user type (public tourism organizations, tourism enterprises and private users), was carried out a content analysis of 80 videos that enabled a categorization of videos related to the tourism in Galicia and the key elements on the preferences of viewers on these videos.
Concurrently, the investigation is completed with the analisys of the projected identity of the top five videos of Galicia on Youtube as well as its perceived image by the spectators. The results obtained are expected to detect trends and dynamics to optimize communication in Youtube for content generators both public and private (companies and individuals).


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