Study on the use of mobile devices in schools: the case of Turkey
Contido principal do artigo
Vol. Extr., núm. 13 (2017) - XIV CIG-PP, XIV Congreso Psicopedagogia. Área 13: TECNOLOGIAS E COMUNICAÇÃO EDUCATIVA, Páxinas 310-313
Recibido: set. 15, 2017
Aceito: dez. 14, 2017
Publicado: dez. 17, 2017
This paper reflects on how to promote mobile educational technology by using tablet PCs in classes in private schools. We conducted a review of the studies available at Council of Higher Education (Yüksek Öğretim Kurulu-YÖK), that provides a thesis online database1. This analysis shows time and location pose problems while reaching the information at school based learning. So, teachers and students prefer mobile learning as it enables them to reach the information in an easier and faster way.
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Detalles do artigo
Khurmyet, G. (2016). Mobil eğitim teknolojisi olarak tablet bilgisayarın etkin öğrenim amaçlı kullanımı: Özel ortaöğretim kurumları üzerine bir araştırma. Use of tablet pcs as a mean of mobile educational technology in active learning purpose: Research in private high schools.
Karabacak, K. (2016). Evaluation of Fatih Project in the Frame of Digital Divide, TOJET: The Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology 15(2).