Belief in rehabilitation and social reinsertion of prisoners is positive factor for occupational health of correctional employees


  • Miguel Clemente Universidade da Coruña
  • Adela Reig-Botella Universidade da Coruña
  • Raúl Coloma



occupational health, psychosocial risks, treatment in prisons, attitudes, prisons


Published works demonstrate that faith in the possibility of inmate rehabilitation and social reinsertion is a positive factor for the occupational health of correctional employees, by preventing burnout syndrome. The present study investigates the effects of attitude regarding inmate rehabilitation and social reinsertion on the psychosocial health of correctional employees. 536 correctional employees from Peruvian prisons participated in the study. We collected personal information and work descriptions and assessed the employees for burnout syndrome, work satisfaction, problems conciliating work and family life, role conflict, and role ambiguity. We found that correctional employees who believed that inmate rehabilitation and social reinsertion was possible had better occupational health: increased job satisfaction, lower burnout, and greater conciliation between work and family life. However, these employees also experienced greater role ambiguity and role conflict, which decreases psychosocial health. The three variables that predicted a positive attitude towards inmate rehabilitation and reinsertion were job satisfaction, negative work-family interaction, and role ambiguity. Need for programs that clearly define the tasks of correctional workers in order to prevent role ambiguity are discussed.



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Universidade da Coruña, Servizo de Publicacións


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Como Citar

Clemente, M., Reig-Botella, A., & Coloma, R. (2015). Belief in rehabilitation and social reinsertion of prisoners is positive factor for occupational health of correctional employees. Revista De Estudios E Investigación En Psicología Y Educación, 2(2), 106–112.


