Challenges of mobile learning – a comparative study on use of mobile devices in six European schools: Italy, Greece, Poland, Portugal, Romania and Turkey
DOI: clave:
mobile learning, pedagogical innovation, advantages and disadvantagesResumen
Although mobile technology is not yet widely used in schools, and in some cases even prohibited by internal regulations, the truth is that this technology, besides being a hallmark of contemporary life, is a powerful tool that challenges teachers and students to innovate in teaching learning practices. This article intends to contribute to the understanding of this phenomenon. The article is part of a project called "Bringing life into the classroom: innovative use of mobile devices in the educational process" (BLIC & CLIC), which aims to diagnose the use of mobile devices in the educational context for the development of digital skills by students and school teachers. This diagnosis will be the first "output" of the project, and the results will allow the (re)design of the future interventions that will respond to the general objectives of the project.Descargas
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