Implementation of a socio-emotional education program for Primary school students
socio-emotional functioning, childhood, intervention, preventionAbstract
School is an ideal context for the development of knowledge other than purely academic learning. Emotional skills and competencies should share educational space with cognitive learning in order to ensure the full development of each student. Our aim was to study changes in the emotional awareness and social competence of children attending a six-weekly session socioemotional educational programme called CODIP-R, which was implemented in a school’s classroom. Participants were 83 first graders (mean age = 6.18 years, SD = 0.42) enrolled in four regular schools in the city of A Coruña. Children were evaluated before and after their participation in CODIP-R using an instrument created ad-hoc. Analyses showed that participants improved their emotional awareness (higher identification of positive and negative emotions, higher emotional self-awareness and higher competence to identify other children's emotional states) and their social competence (higher competence to suggest solutions to interpersonal problems, both their own and between others). These data show that a brief school-based programme may have beneficial effects on children’s emotional awareness and social competence.
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- Universidade da Coruña, Servizo de Publicacións
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