Theory of gamified didactic situations: a detailed outline in teaching the Padovan sequence
gamification, higher education, mathematics, mathematics teacher training, problem solvingAbstract
The aim of this study is to create a systematisation of knowledge for the possible application of gamification in the teaching of Mathematics, based on the Theory of Didactical Situations (TDS) as a teaching methodology. The preliminary and a priori analysis phases of Didactical Engineering (DE) are used as the basis for the research methodology, taking as a case study the teaching to students at undergraduate level of the extension of the Padovan sequence to a non-positive whole index. The main objective of the research is not, therefore, to analyse the data of the application itself, but to identify the theoretical/scientific knowledge elements that require systematisation and accumulation, in order to formulate a didactic and methodological proposal for the teaching of mathematics that combines gamification strategies, TDS and DE.
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