Creativity and motivation: an exploratory study with teachers




creativity, creative personality, motivation for work, teachers


Creativity involves personality traits and several studies reinforce intrinsic motivation as necessary to a creative personality. For its part, a stimulating classroom climate is important, which will not be alien to the teacher and his creative characteristics, including his motivation. For creative practices is also important to consider the motivation that teachers put into their work. In this exploratory study, the relationship between the creative personality and the motivation for work in teachers is analyzed, particularly if more and less creative teachers assume different motivational profiles at work. The study focused on 120 teachers from Northern Portugal. The motivation for the work was evaluated by the Multi-Factorial Scale in the Work and for the creative characteristics was used the Creative Personality Scale. The results show low and positive correlations but with statistical significance between the dimensions of motivation for work and creative personality. Since four groups of teachers, were constituted according to the ranks of the creative personality, an analysis of variance points out statistically significant differences in three of the four dimensions of the motivation according to the creativity of the teachers. The motivation for the work tends to increase as teachers consider themselves more creative. This study, about a subject little discussed, allows reflections in particular emphasizing the role of creativity and motivation in the training of teachers and other agents of the school context.


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Author Biographies

Lúcia C. Miranda, Universidade da Madeira

Departamento de Psicologia, Universidade da Madeira, Madeira

Maria de Fátima Morais, Universidade do Minho

Departamento de Psicologia e de Educação Especial,

Universidade do Minho

Braga, Portugal


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How to Cite

Miranda, L. C., & Morais, M. de F. (2019). Creativity and motivation: an exploratory study with teachers. Revista De Estudios E Investigación En Psicología Y Educación, 6(2), 114–125.


