Psychological maturity and financial independence: A study with college emerging adults


  • Claudia Andrade Escola Superior de Educação de Coimbra



higher education, youth, autonomy, independence


In recent decades there has been a series of social changes that influence the ways in which the transition to adulthood is made, and the importance that is given to criteria to be considered an adult. This study explores the criteria associated with adulthood representation, with a sample of emerging adults enrolled in higher education. The qualitative study was performed using the technique of focus groups. The results highlight the importance of two criteria: a psychological criterion (psychological maturity) and an instrumental criterion (financial independence) as the markers that appear associated with the representation of adult status. Other criteria, such as family responsibilities, normative transitions, adherence to standards, biological parameters, legal and social events such as marriage, for example, are, in general, of little relevance in the definition of adulthood. The results are discussed and analyzed in the context of emerging adulthood in higher education students.


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Claudia Andrade, Escola Superior de Educação de Coimbra

Departamento de Comunicação e Ciências Empresariais


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How to Cite

Andrade, C. (2016). Psychological maturity and financial independence: A study with college emerging adults. Revista De Estudios E Investigación En Psicología Y Educación, 3(1), 28–35.


