Family, stress and early care attention
conceptions of development and education, parental belief systems, parental stress, developmental disorders, early care attentionAbstract
This paper aims to analyze the influence of parents’ stress level and their conceptions about the education of their children with developmental disorders based on the results obtained from the point of view of the recovery of the difficulties or disorders in Early Care Service. To accomplish this, 23 families (father and mother) completed the short version of CIP (Palacios, 1988) and the short version of the Parenting Stress Index (Solís &Abidin, 1995). Furthermore, these data were related to those regarding the intervention standards, the parents’ educational level, the timing in achieving the goals of the early care program, the classification and the severity of the disorder. The results show that the children’s recovery from the disorders is greatly related to lower levels of defensive response on the part of the parents associated with the level of perceived stress, as well as with modern conceptions of their children’s developmental process.Downloads
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