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Clara Vázquez
Department for Work and Pensions
United Kingdom
Alicia Risso
Universidad de A Coruña
Vol. 9 (2022), Número monográfico XVI CIG-PP, pages 220-232
Submitted: Jan 10, 2022 Accepted: Mar 2, 2022 Published: Apr 29, 2022
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The aim of this study was to evaluate the relationship between self-concept of university students and academic variables to identify the dimensions affected in certain groups and, in future research, use the results as a framework to develop interventions that facilitate their transition to the professional sector. Students from both genders, different ages, faculties and educational levels of the University of A Coruña participated voluntarily (N = 512). The instrument used was a self-administered semantic differential-type scale, with 38 bipolar adjectives, including only the positive and negative poles, whose positive-negative/ right-left distribution was random. An Exploratory Factorial Analysis (EFA), carried out with a clinical sample, revealed the existence of five factors (Hedonic Well-being, Ethical and Occupational self-concept, Communication Skills and Emotional Adjustment), subsequently confirmed in this study through a Confirmatory Factorial Analysis (CFA). The results showed significant correlations between Occupational self-concept, sex and education level. Similarly, educational level correlates with Ethical self-concept, and sex correlates with Communication Skills. Additionally, the analysis revealed significantly higher scores in Occupational self-concept and Communication skills in males, while the highest Occupational self-concept was found in students enrolled in the Engineering and Architecture faculty. Significantly, higher scores in Ethical and Occupational self-concept were also found in Degree, as opposed to Master and PhD students. These results allow us to identify some of the key self-concept areas in the development of strategies to facilitate the work search, their insertion in the professional sector and, consequently, their life quality.


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