Formal activities for teacher professional development: a case study from the perspective of learning ecologies
professional development, formal learning, case study, university facultyAbstract
Teacher training activities are of vital importance in teacher professional development, understanding this as the process by which teachers acquire the knowledge, skills and values related to a specific domain. Such activities can be classified into formal, informal and non-formal depending on the context in which they are carried out. For the purpose of this research we will focus on formal learning activities understood as those that are organized, systematized and graduated; they occur in official educational institutions; they are intentional on the part of the students and result in the obtaining of a diploma or official certificate of studies. The objective of this study is to identify the type of formal activities carried out by the best university teachers for their professional development, as well as their assessment on this type of training. To this end, a qualitative multiple case study has been implemented using the semi-structured interview as a tool. Eight of the best university professors of the Branch of Social and Legal Sciences of the UDC have been interviewed according to the ranking derived from the application of the DOCENTIA program. The results indicate that the formal training to which one has access is insufficient, and claim that a better and greater training in general and specific didactics would be necessary prior to exercising the profession.
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- Universidade da Coruña, Servizo de Publicacións
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