Impact of Sars-Cov-2 (COVID-19) on social cognition and mental health among Brazilian teachers
COVID-19, social cognition, mental health, teachers, BrazilAbstract
The aim of this study was to analyse social cognition and mental health among Brazilian teachers following the COVID-19 pandemic. The sample for the study comprised a total of 320 teachers from all levels of education (82% women), with an average age of 46 years. Data were collected using an online questionnaire on the perception of the threat of COVID-19, the perception of the threat to work, general health, depression, impact of COVID-19, and life satisfaction. The results showed a correlation between mental health in general and indicators of depression and the perception of the threat of COVID-19, suggesting a lack of motivation, lack of opportunities and insomnia in teachers’ daily lives. Regarding mental health, the results showed a correlation with depression and a slight connection with life satisfaction, suggesting that, in matters of self-confidence, teachers feel unhappy and depressed. Teachers’ ability to concentrate has also been impaired by being unable to carry out their daily activities. Finally, the results for depression were significant, although a weak correlation was observed with the impact of COVID-19; indicators of depression were also negatively correlated with life satisfaction. The article concludes that teachers’ complaints about financial, psychological and resourcing issues depend on the value they place on each domain in terms of its importance to life satisfaction.
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- Universidade da Coruña, Servizo de Publicacións
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