Frustration tolerance, stress and self-esteem as predictors of planning and decision-making among adolescents




: executive functions, frustration, self-esteem, perceived stress, adolescence


Within the complex construct of executive functions, the planning and decision-making component are two of the basic pillars of psychological adjustment among adolescents. This study analyses how frustration tolerance, self-esteem and perceived stress are related to and predictive of planning and decision-making. The participants were 161 students from Madrid (Spain), aged between 12 and 18 years (M = 14.51; SD = 1.74). Data were collected using the Problem Solving/Decision Making subscale of the Life Skills Development Scale - Adolescent form (LSDS-B), the Escala de la Tolerancia a la Frustración (ETF) [Frustration Tolerance Scale], the Rosenberg Self-Esteem scale (RSE) and the Perceived Stress Scale (PSS-14). Descriptive, correlational, and binary logistic regression analyses were carried out. The results showed high frustration tolerance, high self-esteem and lower levels of perceived stress among adolescents with higher planning and decision-making scores. The regression analysis confirmed that a high level of planning and decision-making is predicted by high levels of frustration tolerance and self-esteem, as well as by low levels of perceived stress. The findings highlight the need for continued implementation of the principles of positive development to provide adolescents with greater protection against risk factors and risky behaviour.


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Author Biographies

Carlos Valiente-Barroso, Instituto Clínico y de Investigación Interdisciplinar en Neurociencias, Santander
Santander, Cantabria

Rafael Marcos-Sánchez, UNIR - Universidad Internacional de la Rioja
Logroño, La Rioja

Marta Arguedas-Morales, Universidad Camilo José Cela

Marta Martínez-Vicente, Universidad Internacional Isabel I de Castilla
Burgos, Castilla y León


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How to Cite

Valiente-Barroso, C., Marcos-Sánchez, R., Arguedas-Morales, M. ., & Martínez-Vicente, M. (2021). Frustration tolerance, stress and self-esteem as predictors of planning and decision-making among adolescents. Revista De Estudios E Investigación En Psicología Y Educación, 8(1), 1–19.


