The public image of the city of A Coruña


  • María Ángeles González Universidad de A Coruña (España)
  • Jesús A. Dopico Universidade da Coruña
  • Diego Campos-Juanatey Universidade da Coruña



Public image, city, inhabitants, questionnaire


This work aimed to study the image of the inhabitants of A Coruña (Spain) in this city. For this purpose, the questionnaire used by Boira (1992), with some modifications, was applied to a group of 130 students from the Faculty of Education at the University of A Coruña (Spain). The results confirm the central role of the Hercules Tower in the image of the city, as a symbolic and representative element, the association of this Tower, the sea and the beaches with the idea that most people have of the city, and the perception of the Maria Pita and Pontevedra Square as the heart of the city and the most important node, respectively. The city has been described by many participants as "a small town with all amenities nearby."


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Author Biographies

María Ángeles González, Universidad de A Coruña (España)

Profesora Titular del departamento de Psicología de la Universidad de A Coruña (área de Psicología Básica)

Jesús A. Dopico, Universidade da Coruña

Profesor Titular de Universidad

Departamento de Economía Aplicada


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How to Cite

González, M. Ángeles, Dopico, J. A., & Campos-Juanatey, D. (2015). The public image of the city of A Coruña. Revista De Estudios E Investigación En Psicología Y Educación, (01), 182–186.



XIII Congreso Internacional G-P de Psicopedagogía. Área 1: APRENDIZAJE, MEMORIA Y MOTIVACIÓN