Musical training and working memory: relationship with performance, gender and instrument family of training
working memory, musical training, academic performance, gender, instrument familyAbstract
The aim of this research is to analyse the relationship between working memory and musical training, as well as its impact on academic performance, and the influence of gender and instrument family. The sample for the study comprised 300 students aged 10-18 years from a professional public conservatory in Spain. The measurement instruments used were the Wechsler scales WISC-IV and WAIS-IV, and a task (PMTM) designed specifically to assess the performance of musical working memory. Positive and statistically significant correlations were found between musical training (measured as low, medium and high, based on years of study) and academic performance (musical and general), and between the phonological loop of working memory and both types of academic performance. Positive correlations were also observed between musical training and phonological loop, and with musical working memory. Gender was not found to affect performance. By contrast, descriptive patterns varied systematically by instrument family, with students of bowed string instruments obtaining higher scores in musical working memory, followed by polyphonic instruments and finally wind instruments. These findings can be used to create programmes to enhance working memory, to help conservatory students to maximise their potential and the effectiveness of their learning.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Rebeca Kerstin Alonso, Luz M. Fernández-Mateos, José David Urchaga-Litago, Antonio Sánchez-Cabaco

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