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Eduardo Villena Alarcón
Universidad de Málaga
María Jesús Fernández Torres
Universidad de Málaga
Carmen Cristófol Rodríguez
Universidad de Málaga
Vol. 24 No. 2 (2020), Monograph December 2020. New narratives in fashion influencer marketing, pages 95-109
Submitted: Oct 19, 2020 Accepted: Nov 19, 2020 Published: Dec 31, 2020
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The rapid rise in popularity of TikTok among users has led fashion brands to increase their presence on the social media platform to disseminate their messages to different stakeholders. The communication possibilities offered by this new social media medium are so great that companies have been forced to adapt their content to the platform. The visual nature of TikTok makes it an ideal space for the fashion sector to position itself. The main aim of this study is to explore how fashion companies use TikTok to transmit information to their audiences. Using a case study content analysis of the British online fashion retailer, ASOS. The results show increased communication efforts by ASOS but a need for greater engagement between the brand and its audiences. The findings also show that dialogue through the comments section of the platform is still under-exploited; despite offering valuable content to the user and generating a positive brand image.


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