Intervention in writing planning processes in first-grade primary school students
intervention, planning, writing, primary schoolAbstract
The goal of this work is to analyze the efficacy of an intervention program in the process of writing planning of narrations (stories) and descriptions of first-grade primary students. Participants were 40 children from a public school, of whom 20 received instruction in the program (experimental group), whereas the remaining 20 did not receive any additional instruction (control group). The mean age of the experimental group was 6.7 years, and of control group, 6.4 years. All of them attended a public school in a Spanish city. The program was carried out in fifteen 45-minute sessions, three times a week. The children were assessed before and after the implementation of the program using an adaptation of the criteria of Tindal and Hasbrouck (1991). The results show significant improvement in the writing planning processes of the experimental group, especially in the generation of ideas and in their organization. These results have direct implications for education, as they pose strategies to intervene in the writing planning process in the classroom.
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- Universidade da Coruña, Servizo de Publicacións
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