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María Luísa Pita Rubido
Universidade da Coruña
Vol. 7 (2006), Articles, pages 143-165
Published: May 17, 2006
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We come across a lot ofdifficulties when we try to define, to delimit and to classify the socalled "non-argumentative dative prononus". These are those sentence elements that do not belong to the actantial verbal scheme because they are not compulsorily required by this. However, they play an important role within the configuration ofa text.lts formal similarity with the traditionally called "indirect complement or object" led to misunderstanding or inaccurate interpretations. They are normally based on semantic criteria bringing about typologies conditioned by the referential context rather than by formal fea tures of these dative prononus. Our intention in this briefarticle is to give account ofthe characterization and classification ofnon- argumentative dative pronouns. We will try to do it as objectively as possible from a lingüistic point of view.


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