Focus and scope

Revista Galega de Filoloxía publishes original, unpublished research on topics of philological (especially linguistic) interest related to Galician-Portuguese language and culture. For the 2022 issue (number 23), the journal will also begin to publish papers on Galician-Portuguese literature.
As well as the main issue, Revista Galega de Filoloxía also publishes special Monographs, which are subject to the same conditions of selection as its article publications (original, unpublished, peer review, etc.) Monograph issues are published in both print and online versions.

Peer review process

In order to ensure the originality, quality and research value of the papers received, the journal uses an anonymous, external peer review process (double-blind peer review).

Frequency of publication

Revista Galega de Filoloxía is published at the end of each year.

Open access policy

All of the journal’s content is available in open access, on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.
Users are allowed to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full texts of the articles, or use them for any other lawful purpose, without asking prior permission from the publisher or the author. This is in accordance with the BOAI definition of open access.
Revista Galega de Filoloxía does not charge contributors any submission or publication fees (APCs), and does not charge readers for access to journal content.

Digital archive policy

Revista Galega de Filoloxía guarantees permanent access to all of its content via the following processes: archiving of published issues in the University of A Coruña institutional repository, use of DOI, and permission for the archiving of full text articles in databases such as Dialnet and REDIB.










Linguistic Bibliography






Publication ethics

Revista Galega de Filoloxía is believes in and is committed to ensuring good research publishing practice at all stages of the publication process, in accordance with the guidelines and Code of Conduct of the Committee on Publication Ethics (

1. Author’s responsibility

Manuscripts submitted for publication should be the product of serious, original, unpublished research. The text should include sufficient information regarding the materials used for the study and the results obtained in order to allow the research to be repeated by someone else and the interpretations and arguments to be confirmed or disconfirmed.
Any significant errors detected by the author should be brought to the attention of the Editors as soon as possible.

2. Responsibilities of Editors and Editorial Board

The Editors of the journal are responsible for ensuring that manuscripts are assessed on the basis of their research quality. Authors will be informed of the decision to accept or reject a paper based on the result of an initial plagiarism check using the Turnitin plagiarism detection programme and the subsequent recommendation of the two anonymous peer reviewers. Substandard peer reviews or reviews not returned within the stipulated time frame will not be considered. Papers may also be rejected on the grounds that they do not fit the focus or scope of the journal. The Editors and Editorial Board undertake to give impartial consideration to all manuscripts submitted for publication and to respect the intellectual independence of the authors.
The Editors, Editorial Board and peer reviewers will ensure the confidentiality of all manuscripts received and of their content until they have been accepted for publication. The Editors, members of the Editorial Board and peer reviewers may not use material from manuscripts submitted for publication for their own research without the express consent of the author. 

2.1. Decision to publish

All manuscripts are initially assessed in-house by the Editors and/or Editorial Board to determine whether they fit the journal’s profile. All articles deemed suitable for publication are checked for plagiarism using the Turnitin plagiarism detection programme and then sent to two independent experts to assess the quality of the text. The Editors are responsible for the final decision to accept or reject the manuscript. The decision to publish is based on the paper’s contribution to knowledge and its interest to the target audience.

2.2. Identification of misconduct

The Editors are responsible for dealing with all allegations of research misconduct in accordance with the guidelines established by COPE and may seek the assistance of the Editorial and Scientific Boards to do so. The investigation and resolution of research misconduct allegations should be properly documented. The author will be contacted by the Editors and informed of their opinion regarding the alleged misconduct. Should the misconduct continue, the Editors will be entitled to take whatever action they deem appropriate.

2.3. Responsibilities of peer reviewers

The Editors will ensure that the two anonymous reviewers possess sufficient expertise in the area covered by the article. Experts invited to peer review a text are required to decline the invitation if they do not feel they have the time or knowledge necessary to assess the manuscript, they do not believe their report would be objective, or a conflict of interest arises with a member of the editorial team or boards of the journal.
Peer reviewers are requested to identify any manuscripts suspected of research misconduct and report them to the Editors.

3. Conflict of interest

Authors must inform the Editors of any direct or indirect conflict of interest with members of the Editorial Board or Scientific Board. Peer reviewers, likewise, must withdraw from the review process in the event of a conflict of interest with the author or the manuscript. Conflicts of interest with the author include: i) a close personal relationship; ii) a significant professional relationship, and iii) any personal, academic or professional circumstance which may impair the reviewer’s ability to remain objective.


ILLA (Research in Galician Language and Literature) research group, University of A Coruña.

History of the journal

Revista Galega de Filoloxía was created in 2000 by members of the Department of Galician-Portuguese in the Faculty of Philology, University of A Coruña. The journal has been published online only since 2017.