Adaptation of the Scale Knowledge Perception Scale in Primary Education



Palabras clave:

perceção, conhecimento de escrita, ensino primário, escalas, validação.


Esta investigação pretendeu colmatar a necessidade de desenvolver escalas de avaliação das perceções dos alunos quanto ao seu conhecimento de escrita, especialmente no ensino primário. Assim, validou-se a Escala de Perceção do Conhecimento de Escrita em Portugal, após tradução e adaptação de uma escala americana, junto de 338 alunos do 4.º ano de escolaridade, selecionados aleatoriamente. Os resultados explicam 38.5 % da variância dos dados. A escala final apresentou uma estrutura diferenciada composta por dois fatores: “Produzir conteúdo” e “Planificar” e 12 itens. O Alpha total da escala foi de .776 e reúne os critérios de fiabilidade exigidos. 


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Biografía del autor/a

Catarina Liane Teixeira de Castro Araújo, University of Minho

Catarina Liane Araujo is currently finishing her PhD in the area of Childhood Studies, with a special emphasis on Special Education Needs at the University of Minho in Braga, Portugal. She is developing a model of intervention is which we will use SRSD (Pow+Tree) within information and communication technologies (ICT) contexts, by compiling various theories and concepts scientifically tested to be effective when we want to improve the quality of writing in students with LD, as well as other students who are in the classroom (e.g. TPACK, UDL). She has focused on the area of writing, learning disabilities, Self-Regulated Strategy Development and the use of ICT in primary education. This work was conducted at Educational Research Centre, University of Minho, and financed by Technology and Science Foundation (FCT), Portugal, from a PhD Grant SFRH/BD/86175/2012.
She has participated in national and international projects such as: “Network - The voice of European Teachers-Comenius Network” (funded with support from the European Commission); “The Pigafetta Project – An investigation project about the educational use of the Magalhães Laptop in the 1st cycle of primary education in the North of Portugal” (funded with support from the Ministry of Education) and The Effects of Socioeconomic Status and Multilingualism on Children’s Cognitive Development (Partnership between University of Minho (Portugal) and University of Luxembourg).


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Cómo citar

Teixeira de Castro Araújo, C. L., Martins, A. P., Osório, A. J., & Faria, C. (2017). Adaptation of the Scale Knowledge Perception Scale in Primary Education. Revista De Estudios E Investigación En Psicología Y Educación, (01), 275–279.



XIV Congreso de Psicopedagogía. Área 1: APRENDIZAJE, MEMORIA Y MOTIVACIÓN