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Camila Alves Fior
Universidade Estadual de Campinas/UNICAMP
Vol. 9 (2022), Número monográfico XVI CIG-PP, pages 284-301
Submitted: Jan 10, 2022 Accepted: Mar 16, 2022 Published: Apr 29, 2022
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Brazilian public universities select their newly admitted students by knowledge assessments scores, and recently admitted the students using Science Olympiads´ results. Although these students have an expert performance in the Science Olympiads, they are also faced with adaptation challenges to higher education, which are affected by social, institutional, and personal variables, that impact their academic success. This study aims to compare the undergraduates´ academic adjustment and self-efficacy beliefs according to their former academic background. The study also correlates the freshmen´s academic adjustment and the self-efficacy beliefs reported by Subject Olympiad medal-winners in transitioning into higher education during the Covid-19 pandemic. The study was conducted using 41 newly admitted students using Subject Olympiads´ results for both the 2020 and 2021 academic years.  80.5% of the students were men and 50% of them attended public high schools. The data was collected using the Adaptation to Higher Education Questionnaire and the Higher Educational Self-Efficacy Scale. The collected data was analyzed using inferential statistics. The results showed that freshmen who attended public high schools reported low studies adaptation. There were positive correlations between the level of higher education adaptation and self-efficacy reported by freshmen students, and the correlation coefficients range from low to moderate. These findings were strengthening the conceptual relationship between the constructs, and suggest that academic success promotion emphasizes psychological variables and both financial and academic support to medal-winning students.


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