Innovative and promoting dynamics of learning environments for Well-Being
learning for well-being, educational technology, socioemotional and creative skills, organization of the teaching and learning process, educational dynamicsAbstract
The accelerated technological and scientific advances, rapid social, economic, environmental changes and, currently, health issues, point to the need for the school to offer new competency-based learning that is still underdeveloped in the education system. Learning for Well-being is a vision of a school where all students can fulfil their unique potential through cognitive, physical and emotional development. This article is carried out within the scope of the research project «Promoting Change in Learning: Gulbenkian XXI School Learning Communities», and seems to answer the research problem: how can we create educational environments that promote learning for well-being? Two main studies were carried out, in the first phase a bibliometric study was carried out, which aimed to discover existing publications on the implementation of socio-emotional learning programs in Portuguese schools. The second study aimed to understand the impacts of project implementation in its various dimensions. In this sense, teachers participating in the project were consulted through choice and focus groups. The results indicate that to create innovative dynamics that promote learning environments for well-being it is necessary to define educational goals; valuing the teacher and the teacher-student relationship; create learning communities; foster reflective practice; involve school leaders; reorganize and make curriculum management more flexible; reformulate school grammar on the basis of educational teams; create a work environment that promotes physical and psychological well-being; stimulate socio-emotional skills and creativity; integrate educational technology; and promote activities that are motivating for students.
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- Universidade da Coruña, Servizo de Publicacións
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