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Aitziber Goñi-Artola
Universidade da Coruña
María Ángeles González
Universidade da Coruña
Vol. Extr., núm. 01 (2015) - XIII CIG-PP, XIII Congreso Internacional G-P de Psicopedagogía. Área 1: APRENDIZAJE, MEMORIA Y MOTIVACIÓN, pages 105-108
Submitted: May 20, 2015 Accepted: Aug 7, 2015 Published: Oct 26, 2015
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The aim of this study was to analyze how students of Secondary Education perceive and value the keyword mnemonic, compared with the rote method, when used it to learn long lists of words in Basque. To that end, they were shown 28 words in Basque to a group of 143 students of 3rd and 4th year of E.S.O., with their translations into Spanish. Part of the sample, 68 students, used the rote method to learn the correspondence between the words, and 75 remaining students used the keyword mnemonic. Those who learned the words using the keyword mnemonic offered significantly higher scores in perceived ease of the strategy and pleasure to the task.


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