Contribution to the study of job satisfaction with the work of the employees of Transportes Urbanos de Braga


  • Ana Isabel Ferreira Peixoto Universidade Católica Portuguesa
  • Fátima Lobo
  • Augusta Macieira



job satisfaction, employees, Transportes Urbanos de Braga


This research aims to contribute to the satisfaction and quality of life the public transport company employees, Transportes Urbanos de Braga/Empresa Municipal (TUB/EM), in order to function as an intervening element of the individual and organizational success. The workers are currently considered employees or partners, not mere hand labor, since their satisfaction can influence organizational processes, product quality and productivity. Indeed, it is essential both for the worker and for the own organization the evaluation of job satisfaction because it allows the organization to identify the need to implement strategies that improve the quality of life at work and the organization's quality. Thus, this diagnostic project to job satisfaction was conducted through a questionnaire constructed for this purpose, it consists of 54 open and closed questions, and the target population was the universe of employees of TUB. A probabilistic sample of 201 subjects, mostly male (89,1%), with compulsory schooling (35,8%) and secondary education (32,3%). The results indicate that employees are relatively satisfied, and are more satisfied with the intrinsic dimension of job satisfaction, that is with their own work and its contents, revealing less satisfied with the extrinsic aspects, particularly the environment physical and opportunities for training and updating offered by the company.


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Author Biography

Ana Isabel Ferreira Peixoto, Universidade Católica Portuguesa

Faculdade de Filosofia e Ciências Sociais

Psicologia do Trabalho e das Organizações


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How to Cite

Peixoto, A. I. F., Lobo, F., & Macieira, A. (2015). Contribution to the study of job satisfaction with the work of the employees of Transportes Urbanos de Braga. Revista De Estudios E Investigación En Psicología Y Educación, (14), 092–097.



XIII Congreso Internacional G-P de Psicopedagogía. Área 14: TRANSICIONES Y DESARROLLO A LO LARGO DE LA VIDA