Pornography and adolescents: the danger of confusing power and pleasure. Sex education as an answer
adolescents, pornography consumption, gender perspective, sexual educationAbstract
Information and Knowledge Technologies (ICTs) favor constant and immediate access to a multiplicity of information and resources. Adolescents, true digital natives, use technological media and virtual spaces to explore their sexual dimension by accessing pornographic content. This bibliographic review starts from a double objective: to evaluate the consumption of pornography in Spanish adolescents and to analyze the associated variables, from a gender perspective. Thus, 11 studies published between 2016 and 2021 focused on the group of Spanish adolescents have been reviewed. Some of the most relevant results are: i. the consumption of pornography in the adolescent stage seems established, being 12 years the average age for the first access to pornographic content; ii. boys consume more pornography than girls; iii. pornography is a source of information for many adolescents, who do not have enough training in the sexual sphere, neither at home nor at school; iv. The consumption of pornography in adolescence is related to a range of consequences that range from: machismo and violence to the relationship with substance use. In short, the consumption of pornography at an early age can lead to an erroneous view of sexuality, marked by an imprint of sexism and violence against women. Consequently, it is necessary to incorporate a true sexual education that provides the necessary educational tools to the youngest to enjoy their sexuality in a full and responsible way.
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- Universidade da Coruña, Servizo de Publicacións
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