Individual and organisational determinants of perceptions of classroom indiscipline: A cross-cultural study




determinants of indiscipline, teachers, cross-cultural study


Student indiscipline and misbehaviour are one of the biggest concerns of teachers, school managers and parents. The aim of this study is to compare perceptions of classroom indiscipline in public and private primary and secondary schools in Angola and Portugal. The survey group for the study consisted of 1600 teachers: 800 Angolan teachers (493 men, 307 women) and 800 Portuguese teachers (181 men, 619 women). Angolan teachers reported a higher frequency of certain types of behaviour, such as talking out of turn, verbal aggression and disrespect towards teachers, while Portuguese teachers reported inattention as the most common behaviour. Perceptions of indiscipline differed according to the type of school and the teacher’s gender and professional experience. Angola is a country that has recently emerged from decades of war and, as such, faces problems whose impact on classroom discipline is not yet fully known. This study offers new insight into the situation in Angola by providing a cross-cultural comparison with countries such as Portugal of different variables and types of discipline. 


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Odete Cadete, Universidade do Minho

Odete Cadete, doutoranda do curso de Psicologia Aplicada da Universidade do Minho


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How to Cite

Cadete, O., Oliveira, C., & Lopes, J. (2020). Individual and organisational determinants of perceptions of classroom indiscipline: A cross-cultural study. Revista De Estudios E Investigación En Psicología Y Educación, 7(1), 25–36.


