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Emma Torres Romay
Universidad de Vigo
Silvia García Mirón
Universidad de Vigo
Vol. 24 No. 2 (2020), Monograph December 2020. New narratives in fashion influencer marketing, pages 160-179
Submitted: Nov 1, 2020 Accepted: Nov 20, 2020 Published: Dec 31, 2020
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Advertisers and big brands understand the importance of so-called influencers in the making of purchase decisions. The exponential growth in this method of positioning products in the market, especially in the fashion sector, has naturalised influencer communication and the exposure of personal content as a form of sales promotion. The problem arises when the subjects of that content are underage children who have no say in how their image is used, especially on social media. This article examines the context and implications of the commercial use of children’s images in Spain. The study begins with a bibliographic and archival review of the subject, followed by a series of case studies of the main ‘mother-influencers’ in Spain, to analyse the presence of underage children in their posts, the content associated with that presence, and the posting flow and frequency of each account. The results show that the use of children’s images is frequent and associated with commercial activities. Nevertheless, the results also reveal that the content is usually indirect and avoids engaging directly with the children. The aim of this study is to contribute to the debate on the subject of ‘sharenting’ from an academic point of view.


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