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Eduardo Villena Alarcón
Universidad de Málaga (UMA)
Vol. 01 No. 022 (2018), Monograph December 2018. Public relations, pages 115-128
Submitted: Dec 29, 2018 Published: Dec 29, 2018
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Internet and social networks have favoured the emergence of a new professional profile within the world of fashion: the influencer. A great number of companies have already incorporated relations with influencers into their communication strategies. However, It is important to emphasize that the studies related to the relevant issue are not enough and they do not show the value of this new figure. For this reason, this research proposes a literature review that allows to determine the real value of the actions with influencers as a 4.0 public relations strategy; as well as to determine which are the most important resources and tools and what are the most suitable for us. In view of the results obtained in this research, a need on the part of the public relations to contribute a strategic value to this activity can be clarified. This paper provides a roadmap for resources and tools that enables communication managers to identify these new collaborators based on their needs and objectives.


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