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Carmen Cristofol Rodríguez
Universidad de Málaga
Alba Alcalá Vidal
Universidad de Málaga
Lorena Fernández Pérez
Universidad de Málaga
Vol. 01 No. 020 (2018), Articles (open section), pages 3976
Submitted: Nov 29, 2018 Accepted: Nov 29, 2018
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It is difficult to make a description of our current society without mentioning the online connections due to social networks. That is why it is worth studying a comparative analysis of the flow of consumption of two important applications: Instagram and Snapchat, because their business model is quite similar. The main aim of the investigation is to observe the evolution of these tools, as well as checking if there is some kind of connection between the decrease of the popularity of Snapchat and the proliferation of the function of Instagram Stories.
Last but not least, the new professions that have emerged from this type of applications will be explained, especially the one which emerge from Instagram. This one has not only contributed to the increase of users of the platform, but has been positioned as a way of contact with them. It has also brought with it new model of bussines, which both brands and freelance are taking profit of. Finally, it is worth highlighting the uncertain future of this online world that is governed by the preference of the users of the applications that are in fashion at all times. This market offers the possibility to create new applications that succeed among the population if they have the necessary features to satisfy their needs.


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