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Verónica Crespo Pereira
Universidad de Vigo
Iván Puentes Rivera
Universidad de Vigo
Vol. 01 No. 017 (2016), Articles (open section), pages 55-83
Submitted: Dec 3, 2018 Accepted: Dec 3, 2018
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The emergence of information and communication technologies (ICT) has given great power users to promote and freely promote their own and other content. This has changed the rules in the field of communication of all economic sectors, including the tourism. The proposed paper studies the YouTube platform as a tool for spreading the image of tourist destinations by private users and public institutions.
In order to meet existing trends and dynamics, this article presents a diachronic analysis of the projected image of Galicia in the most watched YouTube videos. Complementarily carried out a reflection on the keys involved in the preferences of viewers on these videos.


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