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María del Carmen Azpelicueta Criado
University of Illes Balears
José Ramón Cardona
University of Illes Balears
Antoni Serra Cantallops
University of Illes Balears
Vol. 01 No. 013 (2014), Articles (open section), pages 63-92
Submitted: Dec 4, 2018 Accepted: Dec 4, 2018
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Tourism depends on the attitudes of residents, and essential support for the development of the sector. The impacts of tourism are traditionally three groups: economic, socio-cultural and environmental. This work focuses on knowing the perception held by residents in relation to various cultural impacts and changes that may have generated tourism development. Culture can be defined as the customs, and ways of thinking associated with them, which characterize a group of people or community. In this case the region studied is Ibiza, through a descriptive study accompanied by a longitudinal analysis and a comparison with other destinations (Mallorca and Menorca). The results show that residents positively valued cultural changes occurred. Tourism has helped the preservation of certain elements (architectural, historical and cultural heritage) but not others (traditional activities such as agriculture, livestock farming and crafts), and has allowed a positive cultural exchange between residents and tourists. Possible corrective actions must facilitate cultural exchange and dissemination of local culture, avoiding the creation of a "pseudo-culture".


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