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José Ramón Cardona
Universitat de les Illes Balears
Antoni Serra Cantallops
Universitat de les Illes Balears
Vol. 02 No. 09 (2012), Articles (open section), pages 63-87
Submitted: Nov 28, 2018 Accepted: Nov 28, 2018
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In recent decades, several empirical studies have segmented residents' attitudes towards tourism. Similarities can be observed in these studies, leading to speculate that there might be weighing predefined types depending on the phase of the life cycle of the destination. From a review and analysis of the
existing literature on segmentations a Theoretical Segmentation can be proposed being apparently valid for different destinations. This Theoretical Segmentation suggests five groups, define their profiles, relative weight and anticipated changes throughout the life cycle. Theoretical Segmentation summarizes existing empirical studies and provides general guidelines for managers in the absence of specific empirical studies.
As a second step, we analyze the interaction of the proposed Theoretical Segmentation with two demographic variables: time of residence in the region and if the individual is native or not. These two variables allow furtherbreakdowns in greater detail and clarity in the description of the population. This new breakdown generates a large amount of information that can be summarized graphically.
In the second part of the paper, we carry out an empirical study on the island of Ibiza that seeks to test the feasibility of the proposed Theoretical Segmentation and graphic representation of information. The cluster analysis generates a segmentation that corresponds closely with the Theoretical Segmentation. The
only differences observed seem to be due to the severe crisis that afflicted the island at the time of the fieldwork. The different graphics outlined visually summarize the main results of the analysis, although there is still a need for methodological improvements.


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