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José Rúas Araujo
University of Vigo
Vol. 01 No. 08 (2012), Articles (open section), pages 3-39
Submitted: Nov 26, 2018
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After a contextualization of the role of the media and observation of the marked influence of political actors and media in the middle of the growing professionalization of political communication, this article shows the electoral campaigns carried out in the United Kingdom during the last four legislatures, three under the Labour Government (1997, 2001 and 2005) and the last won by the conservatives (2010).
A review by experienced over two decades through the descriptive analysis of the strategies of communication and electoral advertising of labour, tories and liberal-democrats changes and evolution whose creativity is fueled on the discussion of the progressive Americanization of campaigns, focused on negativity and the customization on the image the leaders.


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