Adolescents’ quality of life and influential personal factors
quality of life, adolescents, special educational needs students, educative inclusionAbstract
The quality of life is a benchmark to assess the adolescents’ needs, also attending to personal factors that may interfere in the opportunities, spaces and resources available to improve their living conditions and their satisfaction with life. This evaluation allows analysing the results of inclusive education and to direct actions towards its improvement. The aim of this study is to analyse the quality of life of 2220 students (aged 12-19) with Special Educational Needs (SEN) and without them, though the Questionnaire of Assessment of the Quality of Life of Adolescent students. A descriptive-comparative methodology is carried out, with a non-experimental design. The quality of life construct and its dimensions are analysed, taking into account the differences by sex, age and presence/absence of NEAE. The results reveal an adequate level of quality of life, lower in students with NEAE, especially in inclusion and rights. There are differences according to sex and age, with better results in emotional and physical well-being in women and in rights in men, as well as better general results in younger adolescents. It is observed that these results coincide with previous studies, and it is suggested the need to rethink the inclusive educational practices from the perspective of the quality of life, paying particular attention to the improvement of the mechanisms of participation, to the relationships among equals, to the taking of decisions and the necessary supports to facilitate their interactions and for the recognition of their rights.Downloads
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