Living in old age: contributions to active aging in rural areas


  • Maria Conceição Antunes Universidade do Minho
  • Natália Meneses Universidade do Minho



active aging, quality of life, continuing education


The intervention here described resulted from a research / intervention work developed with the elderly who attended an adult education workshop, which purpose was to promote active aging by means of sociocultural animation. It involved a group of 22 participants aged between 67 and 92 years. The authors developed a participatory action-research, applying the interpretive-hermeneutic paradigm and resorting to sociocultural animation techniques - methodologies that usually foster motivation and participation on the target population. Based on the interests, needs and potential of the participants seven workshops were developed: Manual and Decorative Arts; Preventive Health; Gardening; Cooking; Musical Expression; Gymnastics; and Religious Activities. Various types of activities (physical, cognitive, recreational, social, emotional and spiritual) were fostered, which allowed the development of the elderly’s functional abilities (e.g. mobility, memory, creativity, critical reflection); the fostering of interactional and interpersonal processes, valuing the traditions and fomenting spirituality. The intervention had positive results as the final evaluation revealed: the participants highlighted the benefits of the project, in particular, the levels of physical and psychological well-being, the augment of the quality of their relationships with others and the acquisition of new apprenticeships. This project reiterated the importance of social and cultural activities regarding the elderly’s learning processes, welfare and quality of life.


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How to Cite

Antunes, M. C., & Meneses, N. (2016). Living in old age: contributions to active aging in rural areas. Revista De Estudios E Investigación En Psicología Y Educación, 3(2), 87–93.




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